The Seed House, Castlecrag
2017-2018 KDC Finalist
Le projet The Seed House de James Fitzpatrick’ semble s'inscrire dans le paysage aussi naturellement que la brousse environnante. Il a passé plus de huit ans à étudier le terrain et l'environnement afin de situer et de concevoir au mieux ce qui allait devenir la résidence de sa famille’. Imitant les cosses des angophoras voisins, la forme expérimentale de l'habitation’se détache de l'affleurement rocheux. Au cœur du projet : la cuisine chaleureuse en bois d'œuvre.
Hearkening to the place of Fitzpatrick’s childhood, several native Tasmanian timbers serve as the foundational building elements in the kitchen. As with all of the details and materials utilized in the kitchen, each timber has a unique origin story. The light, celery top pine, used for the columns and internal linings, spent 25 years at the bottom of a lake in southern Tasmania. After being rescued, the timber took two years to dry, imparting a unique wave of color through the grain. The blackwood used for the kitchen joinery was nearly impossible to source—the timber merchant had stored the material for a quarter of a century, only releasing it for sale after the drawings for Seed House were reviewed and approved as a reverential use of the material. The timbers built the foundation of the canvas that would document Fitzpatrick’s family’s experiences in the home. To him, the kitchen is a space that should develop a sort of patina overtime—aging, growing, and adapting as naturally and beautifully as the family.
Fitzpatrick applied the same philosophy when selecting the kitchen appliances. They should be durable and functional, accepting the scratches, spills, and mess with grace. The equipment should gain character from its use, aging in style. Selecting Sub-Zero and Wolf appliances for their quality and durability, the number and scale of appliances were limited to what would be used daily.
In a way, the building of the Seed House will never end. It will evolve and adapt just as the natural landscape beyond. As Fitzpatrick and his family make their mark on the kitchen, it will become an extension and representation of their dynamic and active life.
In this kitchen
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