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Sub-Zero 42" Classic Side by Side Refrigerator Freezer Internal Dispenser (BI-42SID/S) - Formerly Built-In

Legacy Model - 42" Classic Side-by-Side Refrigerator/Freezer with Internal Dispenser

Sub-Zero Legacy Model - 42" Classic Side-by-Side Refrigerator/Freezer with Internal Dispenser BI-42SID/S

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This is a legacy model with limited availability. Contact your local dealer for more details. Please consider one of our new models with updated features and design.

  • Monitor and control remotely with Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Preserves refrigerated foods with cool, moist air and frozen foods with frigid, dry air
  • Fight spoilage and odours with a NASA-inspired air purification system
  • Locks in cold air to ensure freshness with magnetic door seals
  • Keeps produce fresher with high-humidity, sealed crisper and deli drawers
  • Controls temperature within one degree of setpoint
  • Filters water and ice, removing contaminants, chlorine taste, and odour
  • Delivers fresh, filtered water through an internal dispenser located discreetly within the refrigerator
  • Yields ice automatically and “max ice” for additional production
  • Ensures excellent visibility with bright lights
  • Refer to freshness cards for tips on food preservation, use, and care
  • BI-42SID/S/PH
  • BI-42SID/S/TH
MSRP Listed. Local pricing may vary.
Contact your local showroom or dealer for pricing.

Refrigerator Specifications

  • 1 adjustable dairy compartment
  • 1 high-humidity crisper drawer with adjustable dividers
  • 2 refrigerator storage drawers with adjustable dividers
  • 5 glass refrigerator shelves (4 adjustable; 1 stationary)
  • 5 refrigerator door bins (3 adjustable; 2 stationary)
  • Internal water dispenser
  • LED refrigerator and freezer lights

Freezer Specifications

  • 2 adjustable wire shelves
  • 1 stationary solid shelf
  • 3 storage drawers
  • 5 adjustable door bins
  • Automatic ice maker
  • Overall Dimensions: 42" W x 84" H x 24" D
  • Refrigerator Capacity: 15.8 cubic feet
  • Freezer Capacity: 7.9 cubic feet
  • Star-K Certified
  • Shipping Weight: 606 lbs
  • Annual Energy Usage: $104 (745 kWh)
  • Receptacle: 3-prong grounding-type
  • Electrical Supply: 115 VAC, 60 Hz
  • Electrical Service: 15 amp dedicated circuit

Why Sub-Zero?

Dual refrigeration = optimal humidity


Technology pioneered by Sub-Zero features two separate cooling systems so fresh food stays fresher longer in the cool, moist air of the refrigerator. Frigid, dry air prevents frost and freezer burn in the freezer–optimum preservation conditions for each type of food.

Air purification system fights spoilage, orders


Many fresh foods emit ethylene gas, a naturally-occurring compound that hastens food ripening and spoilage. Sub-Zero refrigerators come with an air purification system (based on technology developed by NASA) that scrubs the air of ethylene and odour every 20 minutes.

Advanced temperature control


Sub-Zero’s microprocessor controls the interior temperature to within one degree of its setpoint. An advanced air seal around all four sides of the door prevents leaks while conserving energy.

Worry-free warranty


Sub-Zero offers an industry-leading full two-year warranty on appliances, along with a full five-year sealed system warranty and a limited 12-year sealed system warranty. Learn more.

Rigorous testing


Built with premium-grade materials,
Sub-Zero products are designed to last a minimum of 20 years. Major components are subjected to extreme stress tests prior to going into the final design, and every major function is tested before shipping.

Envision the possibilities

Sub-Zero 42" Classic Side by Side Refrigerator Freezer (BI-42SID/S) with Wolf 36" Contemporary Induction Cooktop (CI365C/B)
Sub-Zero 42" Classic Side-by-Side Refrigerator Freezer (BI-42SID/S) with Wolf 24" Transitional Drawer Microwave (MD24TE/S)

Pro tips

Consider these insider suggestions as you design your space:

  • Install multiple Sub-Zero units together for increased personalization
  • Select right or left Sub-Zero door hinges to designate how doors swing open
  • Cover the area between the unit and floor with optional kickplates
  • Coordinate all of your appliances with Sub-Zero pro, tubular, or custom handles

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